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Skit time, Out of time, stood on the Slipper, Peaceful Chaos, Can you remember, The Aftermath,Left behind.

Posted on by Benjamin Southall

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Hi everyone, This post is long overdue I know but given all that I am upto, those who actually bother will understand if not tolerate. Invites are sent out. Currently I am sitting in an empty house, with no way to get down the range to the train station to get to the city. But I figure I know when the last train leaves & I have the phone number of the local taxi service, so I will properly get packed up & down there in time. My mood is frustrated but pensive with bouts of indecision, intensive loneliness & isolation and the occasional sprinkle of hope. I am listening […]

Emo yeast, Kitty Pool, Skeletal Clothing & Hip Hip Hooray

Posted on by Benjamin Southall

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Hey everyone, Uni is back, had my first Mathematical Modelling (mainly ODEs based) lecture today, and the lecturer who is new to QUT, mentioned over crowding and yeast that said “Life is crap, this place (petri dish) is crowded and crap, I want to die”, to which the entire lecture room laughed, and I had to suppress a shout of Emo Yeast!!. On the last week of the holidays I spent lots of time at Ruben’s, because he had his LAN party (which wasn’t bad) and his birthday which was awesome, I met lots of cool people, demonstrated my skill or lack there of at pool / 8 ball. Cries […]