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日本 初心者 and other news

Posted on by Benjamin Southall

Hi everyone .

こんにちは みんな。

Have arrived at a new country and employer.


SIM Card doesn’t work here as it is 2G.


Missed last direct bus from Narita. But managed to arrive safe and late anyways. Didn’t realise I could have had discounted bus fare due to youth until I was on the bus.



First week at work was busy but fun. Lots of new faces, new systems and new processes. 職場での最初の週は忙しいけど楽しかったです。多くの新しい顔、新しいシステム、新しいプロセス。


Power  adapter for laptop is sick. Will eventually buy a new laptop. Discovered 価格.com , which makes up for not being  able to use umart any more.

ノートパソコン用の電源アダプタが壊れている. 発見された  価格.com , これはumart に適した代替手段です。

Passmo and Suica cards , already are better than the go card I left behind. Washlet is also better than normal toilet. PassmoとSuicaカードは、Goカードよりも優れている。  Toto Washlet は、通常のトイレよりも優れています。


Train Network and Subway are amazing. Ikea was fun as well. Couldn’t find any cheesecake and made the same mistake  as when in Logan regarding not remembering that bed linen is on the ground floor.

鉄道網 すごい, 地下鉄網 すごい。 IKEAは楽しかったです。チーズケーキを見つけられませんでした。 忘れていたベッドリネンは地上階にあった。Logan IKEAと同じ。

As for everyone asking how I am, I am fine. As for everyone expecting correspondence, it is coming. I am still writing  or typing it up, and then I have to go and learn the wonders of the Japanese Postal  Service.

私は元気です。 郵便はまだ書かれていません。次に私は、日本郵政公社について学ぶ必要があります。


I am still learning Japanese and probably will  be for at least a year if not the  remainder of my life, any corrections or improvements to my Japanese are welcomed, as is any advice or questions.

私はまだ日本語を勉強しています。 それはおそらく一生かかるでしょう。私の日本語に対するすべての修正は歓迎されています。質問も大歓迎です。


Best wishes,


Benjamin Southall aka Appleman1234 🙂




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