Hi everyone, How are you all ? How was your April’s fool’s day ? I am blargh. Google’s April Fool creation of CADIE had me filled with joy, and its removal from the internet has left despair in its place. I really want to combine Google’s suggestion of CADIE, the rat molecule brain robot experiments and the antropomorphic fashion robot in Japan, to create a true Hard AI that has minature robotic body that assimilates computing resources based on the other computing equipment / cloud that it can connect to. (See GIR from Invader Zim, or Questionable Content’s
Hi everyone, My current status is a bit of a conundrum. I have been stressed, sick, sore, tired, happy, busy, concerned, GIR-like, distracted, in awe, inspired and then some. I am enjoying my holidays, kind of, although given the amount of work I have to do still, I really couldn’t say that I am enjoying them. At least the blackberry pudding and the 3 hours sleep I got this afternoon (to cure my headache…) helped my unusual mood. I also found my copy of Railroads Tycoon 2 and after redoing the first campaign and tutorial, and wasting more time playing ET only to be disrespected by idiots. (where did the […]
Hey everyone, I am currently sitting here, cleanly out my laptop’s 100gb hard drive, and updating as much software for my Gentoo as I can since I had to leave the software updates to the weekend as their were several blockers (packages that can’t be installed with other packages), but I believe I have them all sorted out now. Other current blockages include our toilet which has caused the most grief this weekend. Because it is a septic system it isn’t just as easy as using a caustic or acidic solution like Draino to unblock, and we are currently using an enzyme based solution which may or may not be […]