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Hiho, Hiho it is off to LCA I go, well almost, hey I made it :)

Posted on by Benjamin Southall

Hi, (Server is UP Now)
The Birthday, Christmas and New Years post is still in draft form (as I am waiting for photos to be developed, so I can scan and upload). All the while I have been shopping yesterday and preparing for LCA 2007 ( which is a much slower process than I expected, I suppose it would be a less slower process if I focused more on getting ready than on helping people in #Sabayon on

I actually managed to finish packing and went to the Upfront Club to listen to Cloudstreet, albeit an hour late. They were awesome, they played the “The Green Man” and their “The Van Song” had me in stitches. Out on the highway :).

Finally I went to bed, only to wake up at 3am , as I couldn’t sleep, after waiting for a few hours, we went down the range to goto the airport, and I having taken the laid back approach, realised I had forgotten my suit. So we went back up the mountain and I rushed down to get my suit and we went back down again, only for me to realise that I had forgotten my aeroplane tickets, so we had to go back up, and we were now about an hour late. (as my dad had also forgotten his sunglasses, but only 10 metres from our driveway)

This caused a change reaction which resulted in me just missing my flight and having to get the next one, which was a pain in the rear given the circumstances, the lack of communication really stressed me and my family out. I finally got on the plane and all was well, I spent the journey listening to music and talking to person in the same set of three seats as me.

Upon landing I promptly got my bags (not wanting to have any more airport chaos), and waited for the 400 bus to bring me to LCA. It came eventually and I got on , and forgot to take my ticket after paying for it (I got it eventually), on the bus ride I talked to Wen (Who is /was also going / at LCA) and an old Sydney local that talked about the past and future.

We got off at the right stop, and as we were crossing the road, both my parents called me, I ignored the phone and rushed to the kerb in a life preservation technique. I finally got to International House, settled in and meet some people that invited me to lunch. We had Indonesian for lunch (So many memories). I am not going to recount everything else in detail else you will be bored off your faces.

Highlights of LCA So FAR

Bumping into people and chatting and bumping to them again

Jdub (Jeff Waugh)’s Welcome and Chris Blizzard’s keynote (I reckon all the keynotes will be awesome)

Jerub’s Flickr

Qtopia Greenphone Presentation

Getting to catch up with Quozl (James Cameron) and Jerub (Stephen Thorne) and their partners

Jdub’s Wii demo substitute for a Gnome.conf talk

Lack of wireless at International House causing me to sit on a table (underneath pavillon) in order to get wireless and power

Meeting Rusty Russell Face to Face and listening to his Wesnoth talk.

The Creation & Bugfixing (I need superglue, as someone other than me damaged a Gentoo chair) & Beautification (I need purple cushions) for the Gentoo Chairs.

Fellow Gentoo users at LCA, I need either a Koorora x86_64 install or a Sabayon 3.26 livedvd to upgrade my Gentoo (curse GCC4.1.1)

Have fun & Happy Hacking

Benjamin Southall aka Appleman1234 πŸ™‚

One Response to Hiho, Hiho it is off to LCA I go, well almost, hey I made it :)

Dad says: January 16, 2007 at 5:32 pm

I’m glad you survived your parents being concerned over you getting there. Sounds like our concerns justified have a great conference!!

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