Gingerbread, bittersweet, partridges, darkness, how do you save yourself from yourself ?
Posted on by Benjamin Southall
Salutations in moonlight
Truth …
Lies ….
Secrets …
Surprises …
Honesty & Chivalry war in my mind’s eye
Seeking Compassion & Redemption
For Crimes Not Committed
For Glass Shards that bleed my barefeet
And yet don’t exist, or perhaps my feet aren’t there
I couldn’t be certain, and yet I couldn’t be wrong
The damage done and only realised post mortem
If only consumption was enough
One day you will all get the keys
To play in the ball pit and do as you please
Hopefully by then my half-life will have decreased
But perhaps we seek the pain and damage
To prove we are real, as having faith in something
In order to just feel, Depravity becomes Humanity
As we stop caring, and just continue to exist
Legal obligations require moral sacrifice
And a pound of flesh and a pound of soul
Should both weigh the same
Persecution, Criticism creep along the foundations of Tolerance and Acceptance
A riddle and a rhyme interlocked in time , its all between the lines
Of a polygon that doesn’t exist, don’t bother with the compass
It will only lead you to the labyrinth, and why go there when you could have had icecream instead
Fight the Minotaur, Wage your holy war, only to realise you are just killing yourself
So much self assisted suicide, it is as though we think we are born to die
Use by dates stamped on our heads, ensuring innocence is lost
Things loved and people discarded, in hopes that we can accept ourselves
Balls of string and dainty things, provide the perfect disguise for cyanide tea
Kippers gone know, along with the dolphins and whales
Have you seen Alice she owes me a prose, the White Rabbit owes me my pocketwatch
And when I will next see either, noone knows
Eat this, Drink that, Size doesn’t matter, does it ?
Too late now the order is past, off with your head!
Oh wait, you’re already headless blast
The caged bird it sings of the blue skies and the sunshine
Never realising that the door is open wide,
Brrr, so that is why my neck is cold, despite its mantle
Rhapsody or Empathy , what was that which was said to me ?
If I had a penny for each time, then I would be penniless
Everything has its price, and everything good doesn’t feel right
Hide and go seek, 1… 2… 3…, Try as you might you won’t find me
Before you know I will have climbed the FarAway Tree
Or hidden from myself, whether I fancy
If you were lucky, then a skeleton you would find, with ring on my finger
And Wardrobe behind, Narnia or Dorian Gray as too my fate, either would say
Nothing and no-one, abundance and glee, shrouded in hollow comptemt and facidious misery
Would I sup with Saint George, only if I could save him the trouble of committing genocide ?
Or perhaps the Jackerwocky is a better dinner guest , behind his appearance and behaviour, is less of a mess
Giant wooden bunnies and rude castle intentions, false bravery and a luck break
False illusions of grandeur and stones and dead birds
Are shallowly laughed at without saying a word
Recurring dreams, nightmares and doom, I’d rather be betrayed by Jack Sparrow, then conclude
That eight pieces of eight isn’t sixty four and that isn’t Thumbelina making out with Little Jack Horner
On the hearth rug, and what of the Calico cat and Gingham Dog, bickering over colour swatches and then doing each others laundry over coffee
It is so much easier to love a dream, as a dream doesn’t carry poison knifes, wielded with deadly aims,
Instead prefer to haunt the mind, scourging the soul, for whatever they find.
And the Doctor says I should go camping, but I have no intention of going to Gor, as fun as it would be to meet the Priest Kings or live and die by the homestone, and sword…
And those Ninja rats can watch and wait, the Oracle of Ishadna doesn’t know my fate
As for Sebastin’s composure and the love of the CareBears, well I guess they are over…
The Hill, sat a cross, an innocent life, surrounded by naughts, and yet that is somehow more fair then global thermonuclear war.
Why fight for peace, when you can play chess, beware the path of the knight at its best
Too many wagers, too little time, play not to win, not to lose, but to escape with my life
Torch of Illuminace + 3 doesn’t make the cavern any less dingy
Oh look I killed a Newt, now to roll a 6, Please pass the fruit
Peas catapulted, potato flying, along with Spaghetti, such a monstrosity unlike the cafeteria has ever seen
It will take a 1000 cleaners, a year and half just to get this clean
Ajax from chemical to web success, marketing buzzwords portray standards as second best.
Pictures mosaicing a path, Smiles breaking an already brittle heart, but at least the filling is sweet
And the flesh is good, quite nice to eat,
The Lion and the Mouse, The Rabbit and Tortoise ,
They try to teach you wisdom but you discard such childish pursuits.
To go play your Wii or see what is on cable TV ? Where was your class supposed to go ? The Museum ? The Opera ?
Or was it to witness Jimminy Cricket, the conscience of Pinnoccho
Culture these days is more like bacteria then humanity, growing in our yoghurt while we fail to care
Behind the mask, under the trapdoor, what lurks there now, that wasn’t before
You wish it was those two plumber brothers, collecting coins and spitting fireballs
In the above is hidden many meanings and some wisdom, there is still gems in plain sight but the coal is buried much deeper, and the pocketwatch deeper still, and if you get deep enough you might realise why I write this.
There is no question, the spontaneous prose / poem is cryptic enough, if you find it easy, think again slightly different, it should be more tough…,
How do I feel today ? I feel broken, but not damaged broken, just normal broken, so really nothing is wrong with me, I am just having troubles with emotions, self expression and fortitude
Not sure if it is because I am bored or because I am nice, but here are some clues, more cryptic advice:
The message above mentions or intertexutalates with
Jim Henson’s the StoryTeller
My Mind
The Layout of My Mind
Geometry /Mathematics for Computer Graphics
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Japanese Whaling Crisis
Alice in Wonderland
Enid Blyton / The Faraway Tree
Oscar Wilde (The Portrait of Dorian Gray)
CS Lewis (Chronicles of Narnia)
Saint George and the Dragon
Monty Python
Pirates of Caribbean
Fairytales and Mother Goose
Calico Cat and Gingham Dog
Doctor Who
Wizards and Warriors
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Little Mermaid
Dungeons and Dragons
Food fight
Flying Spaghetti Monster
Valentine’s Day
Aesop & his fables
Popular culture
Simcity 3000
The Mask
The Phantom
Secret Seven / Famous Five
The Mario Brothers
And several more that I haven’t realised yet…
Have fun,
Benjamin Southall aka Appleman1234 π
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