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Lines in the Sand, Are they are Real ? What are Lines ? What is Sand ?

Posted on by Benjamin Southall

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Hi everyone, Today has been interesting. Friday also was a good day, in which the QUT Tabletop Gaming Club, had our first games night in the new room allocated to us. Games of Magic, Stratego, Chess and Monopoly were played and fun was had by most, if not all. I also managed to have the online discussion with my INB302 group members the other night, which was quite hectic, but productive. I have been thinking more and more about recursion as a measure of proof of complexity and a partial proof for reality. We can currently create using our minds or computer , worlds other than the one we appear […]

Iteration and recursion, if at first you don’t succeed, if at first….

Posted on by Benjamin Southall

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Hey, Got my results back earlier than expected. Got deja vu as well, degree is going to be delayed by at least year. Got lost in the darkness of suburbian, well not lost, just took the largest figure of eight of my life to date, but that kind of makes sense considering the circumstances. I would say I don’t know anymore, but that would imply that I knew anymore to begin with …., and that would be more than a misnomer. Why my past haunts me like an apparition I don’t know. All the movies I see, I can’t recall whether I have seen them before in past or in […]