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Only with andy_t_roo in #gentoo-au, Birthday surprise and cheesecake

Posted on by Benjamin Southall

Hey everyone,

I am uplate and home up coast for my Mum’s Birthday it was a great surprise. Anyhow

Here is the log from #gentoo-au.

* andy_t_roo is now known as vcr
* vcr blinks 0:00
* vcr blinks 0:00
<patoh> mine blinks 00:00:00
* vcr blinks 0:00
* vcr upgrades its clock
* vcr blinks 00:00:00 AM
* vcr blinks 00:00:00 AM
<patoh> mine is 24 hour πŸ˜›
* vcr is now known as someon1
<greenmanwitch> hahahahha
* Appleman1234 reprograms someon1 in Assembly
* someon1 is now known as foo-matic
* Appleman1234 reprograms foo-matic in Assembly
<foo-matic> … -.– -. – .- -..- / . .-. .-. — .-.
<foo-matic> … – .- -.-. -.- / — …- . .-. ..-. .-.. — .– / -.. . – . -.-. – . -..
>adds< Hard AI programming to foo-matic, gives foo-matic basic logic learning protocols, and exposes foo-matic to science and religion
* Appleman1234 adds Hard AI programming to foo-matic, gives foo-matic basic logic learning protocols, and exposes foo-matic to science and religion
<foo-matic> .–. .-.. . .- … . / .. -. .–. ..- – / .- -. / .. -. – . –. . .-. / -… . – .– . . -. / .—- / .- -. -.. / .—- —– —–
* Appleman1234 goes back and fixes all 46 bugs
<foo-matic> (the above transales to “PLEASE INPUT AN INTEGER BETWEEN 1 AND 100”)
<friendly12345> Segmentation fault
* Appleman1234 types 42
* foo-matic points out that before i AI and logic was given i also had a stack overflow)
<foo-matic> … — .-. .-. -.– / – …. . / -. ..- — -… . .-. / -.– — ..- / .. -. .–. ..- – / .– .- … / – — / …. .. –. ….
* Appleman1234 reprograms foo-matic to use an infinite symbolic stack
* foo-matic is now known as turing_machine
* Appleman1234 reprograms turing_machine with exposure to humanity
<greenmanwitch> turing machine.. analytic engine is better
<greenmanwitch> analytical
* Appleman1234 reprograms a brainfuck interpreter into turing_machine
* greenmanwitch is related to Charles Babbage though so I am biased
<Appleman1234> ++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-]>
<turing_machine> hi there
<greenmanwitch> perhaps computing is my blood and I must become good at computers.
<greenmanwitch> Perhaps it is my destiny :\
<turing_machine> note, i didn’t actually run that program
* Appleman1234 realised that
* Appleman1234 offers turing_machine duct tape
<turing_machine> Rather than machine language of progress crossing the reference of the database access whose many important improvements are extensive in the method of learning, it is good to inform that by good analysis
* Appleman1234 offers turing_machine WD40
<mark_alec> Redhatter:
<mark_alec> <Snausages> So, an E-flat, a G-flat, and a B-flat walk into a bar.
<mark_alec> <Snausages> And the bartender says,
<mark_alec> <Snausages> “I’m sorry, we don’t serve minors.”
<turing_machine> Appleman1234: your program prints “Hello World!”
<mark_alec> <Myke> That struck a chord.
<mark_alec> <Snausages> Careful with those puns, you’ll get in treble.
<mark_alec> <Myke> But they’re key to my humour.
<mark_alec> <Myke> And very noteworthy.
<friendly12345> mark_alec: you have to be sharp to get that joke
<mark_alec> πŸ˜€
<Appleman1234> mark_alec: old from , it is mainly a collection of noise
<Appleman1234> slash bang bin bash πŸ™‚
<Appleman1234> turing_machine: correct πŸ™‚

Appleman1234: >+++++++++[<++++++++>-]<.>+++++++[<++++>-]<+.+++++++..+++.>>>++++++++[<++++>-] <.>>>++++++++++[<+++++++++>-]<—.<<<<.+++.——.——–.>>+.
<Appleman1234> msg turing_machine Have a look at this Bible
<turing_machine> Appleman1234: i think you forgot a ‘/’
<Appleman1234> nope it was intentional, AI testing πŸ™‚
* Appleman1234 kicks turing_machine and sighs
* turing_machine notes an impact
* Appleman1234 offers turing_machine icecream and a genetic catalyst
* turing_machine is now known as andy_t_roo
<andy_t_roo> mmm icecream . . .
<Appleman1234> success πŸ™‚

andy_t_roo is a friend of mine, he turned in a vcr on IRC, and I tried to bring him back πŸ™‚

The question today is which languages, references can you spot , (think of this a geek meme in disguise) ?

Best wishes and sweet dreams

Benjamin Southall aka Appleman1234 πŸ™‚

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