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Posted on by Benjamin Southall

Hi everyone,

AC adapter on for net book is damaged, managed to get it working for the moment, replacement should arrive next week. When it does I will probably order some tools so I can repair the old one using cable splicing.

Messed Ubuntu configuration on MID by updating a single package, then accidently reinstall older firmware including old Android, old GNU Linux and old bootloader, nothing starts up clean, and I will have to borrow or acquire a male to male USB cable to reupdate the bootloader.

Work is fun, lots of Telerik familarisation, and lots of tickets to keep me busy.Managed to spend the test card from work on USB sticks at officeworks, which will probably be used at work, if colleagues don’t borrow them first.

Jellybean consumption is at an all time record high, considering they arrived Tuesday and were gone by Thursday. Met Scott on the bus again, had interesting conversation largely about subjective trust in humanity, and we were up to the influence of whimisicality and the nature of human indecision.

He also mentioned a cooperative house environment started by bunch of Griffith students, which once again made me thing about cooperative living environments as a whole, and how to ensure their long term sustainability in general.

The cool weather is nice. I really enjoy it, in spite of the weird looks as I appear to be missing a pullover or jacket.

Have fun and best wishes with whatever you are upto,


Benjamin Southall aka Appleman1234 πŸ™‚



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