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Tara, Gold Coast, back to Gentoo where haven’t I been, hey look my wireless works now :)

Posted on by Benjamin Southall

Hey everyone,

I am no longer full of sorrow. I apologise for not blogging sooner but whenever I tried I got interupted.

Going Places
I have been very busy traveling I went out to Tara (out past Dalby, which is out past Toowoomba), to visit an old friend of mine. After spending approximately 2 days with him and 1 to 2 more with his family (Whose hospitality and kindness were greatly appreciated) , I have decided to aptly label him the Tara Gangster without a Gang.

Whilst in Tara, I met several people, watched Hostel (stupid / terrible movie, gore scenes not gory, scare scenes not scary, sex scenes not sexy, and in the one opportunity it has to redeem itself, by creating a romance and a sequel in the partnering of the hero with 8 fingers and the Japanese chick with one eye, is ruined because of the need to save face (common cultural custom) in short the Japanese chick commits suicide by getting herself splattered / crushed by a train / locomotive).

I also spent time with the Gangster’s younger siblings (all male) allowing them to abstract (as in data abstraction etc, ) their need for bickering and violence out of reality and into my laptop. (Counterstrike and Wesnoth have found another use.)

After staying Tara, I was picked up from Toowoomba and came home. I then (the next day) went to Uni to meet Nick / Cheater in order to return to Gentoo. (Suse automounting being broken was annoying me). He said we would get it done in time, we didn’t. I personally wanted to use Sabayon. (awesome Gentoo livecd)

In my opinion if I had gone with Sabayon instead of straight Gentoo it would have been easier, but he didn’t think so. The reasons we didn’t get it finished included; a bad kernel symlink and Nick / Cheater spending too much time playing CS and not enough helping me. πŸ˜‰

So I made my way to Central Train Station to catch my train to the Gold Coast. I then spend the trip watching my Gentoo compile.

I got picked up, well meet by some great family friends in the Gold Coast.
Besides my gentoo compiling, the only memorable things from my time of the Gold Coast, were

  • a conversation that I shared regarding the value of “Street smarts” (Real life learning). and methods and styles of thinking and interpretation, the incompetence and stupidification of society by media (Think Big Brother, yuck ), education systems and government
  • and watching the “Pirates of the Caribbean”, awesome movie, but best of all, I love the characterisation of Captain Jack Sparrow. πŸ™‚
  • and finally enjoying a Dixie cup icecream

I have then returned home, and spent the last few days getting my wireless working.
w00t it works now.


Names of things that are copyright, are copyright their respective owners, I mean no harm.

Gentoo Notes

Nvidia video drivers do work with Xorg 7.1.0 (despite what they say), you just have to use sub-pixel hinting in KDE.

The gentopia overlay with networkmanager and the custom ebuild of knetworkmanager inspired and tested by me, and made by cvilli64 and rubengonc of #Sabayon πŸ™‚ work using WEP with BCM4318. (bcm43xx native driver). I am not using Gentoo’s net scripts or base layout, because I like Knetworkmanager :).

This means that I am right (To quote Curtis Bayne, “I win”) and Nick / Cheater owes me Mentos. πŸ™‚
BTW, I passed Maths and 6ed (distinctioned) IT. Note to self, study harder in maths, much harder and don’t get freaked during exams.

On a closing note, if you had free trip to anywhere, anywhen where would you go ?

Best of luck and keep living

Benjamin Southall aka Appleman1234 πŸ™‚

4 Responses to Tara, Gold Coast, back to Gentoo where haven’t I been, hey look my wireless works now :)

Tim Morris says: July 12, 2006 at 12:01 pm

Besides the obious choice of going to Thailand after second semester to see my gf (of which i will to free or not lol), i would have to say the international space station would be my choice πŸ˜‰

Bodaniel Jeanes says: July 22, 2006 at 12:00 am

Yeah space station would be nice. If i could also get a free ticket for my gf, then it would definately be NYC again. It’s got to be one of the best places on earth (despite its obviously hideous encompassing country). But if val couldn’t get a free ticket, it’d probably be spain for 6 months so i could remember spanish and become more fluent. πŸ™‚

Terry says: September 17, 2006 at 10:19 pm

Hey Apple, did you ever get wireless via BCM4318 to work on Sabayon? I have Compaq Presario V5201US w/BCM4318. What driver? ndiswrapper required? Sounds like you did it without ndis.



Benjamin Southall says: September 18, 2006 at 12:27 am

Hi Terry,
I don’t use Sabayon, I use Gentoo. (I do help with Sabayon development a little though) It works with ndiswrapper using bcm15.inf or with the native bcm43xx beta drivers in 2.6.17 kenel using wl_apsta.o firmware.

Best of luck πŸ™‚

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